Members of the Society of Senior Ford Fellows were supported by the Ford Foundation with a Ford Predoctoral, Ford Dissertation, or Ford Postdoctoral Fellowship. These senior experts completed their doctoral degree at least seven years ago. (Please see official membership details at the end of this page.)
Benefits of joining the Society include:
More benefits coming soon as our website and membership grows...
Please use our discount code when completing your membership registration if you self identify as having a need for financial support. This code will provide a $50 discount on the annual $65 membership, lowering the cost to $15 for potential members who need pricing modification: SUPPORTSSFF
Members interested in an installment plan ($500 per payment) for the Sustaining, Fortifying, or Building Membership may contact our site administrator. For these 5-year memberships, full payment would be due by the end of the calendar year. Should payment not be received in full for this multi-year membership category, membership would be converted to the nearest level.
According to our bylaws: