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We are a new organization and still creating the structures to support our work. We remain open to ideas about how to execute the work of The Society, and we look forward to your input and participation.

The current list of SSFF Committees are as follows: 

Communications Committee

Help the SSFF communicate with its membership, potential members, and beyond. According to the bylaws, this committee "shall establish a mechanism, platform, and/or process for soliciting and developing forward facing pieces (e.g., op-ed or other position statements), scholarly articles and white papers, proposed policies, etc. The Committee shall endeavor to facilitate collaboration among Members in the development of these pieces, and shall create a clear process by which Members may sign onto or otherwise identify themselves with a piece." Also, "Any article, position statement, editorial, or other communication that are authored by the SSFF as a whole shall have been endorsed by the Presidential line, the Executive Board, and a quorum of the Members as defined in the Terms and Conditions." Also, "The Communications Committee shall maintain the SSFF’s presence in the social media."

Membership Committee

Help the SSFF grow its membership from among those eligible for membership now because they are tenured and/or earned the PhD 7+ years ago. Help the SSFF think dynamically about how best to serve its members at every level, including those who are affiliate members (Ford fellows not yet 7 years from earning the PhD).

Nominations & Elections Committee

Help the SSFF identify candidates for the board; help the SSFF anticipate issues related to nominations and elections; help the SSFF consider processes that will make nominations and elections more robust.

Program Committee

Most immediately, this is the committee organizing the in-person meeting in Washington DC on June 23, 2024 as well as the online Fall gathering. The Program Committee is responsible for organizing an annual national in-person meeting, an annual Fall virtual meeting, and helping to support regional meetings, workshops, symposia, and other meetings within areas of interest to the SSFF.

Ad hoc committees

As ideas arise, ad hoc committees can be formed to execute the vision. Feel free to express interest in general as-needed opportunities and/or give a sense of ideas you'd like to see pursued, especially if you'd be willing to help The Society execute.

The Society of Senior Ford Fellows is a nonprofit public benefit and charitable organization 501(c)3. EIN 85-1102780.